Becoming a Housing Hero is an impactful investment in the future of communities. By committing to sponsorship, you’re not just offering financial support; you’re providing stability, security, and hope to those in need. Your annual sponsorship ensures sustainable progress in addressing housing solutions and creating opportunities for families to thrive, making a lasting difference in the lives of children and their families.

Are you a community partner who:

  1. 1. Believes in the mission of FPSSC?

  1. 2. Wants to support FPSSC in efforts to aid families in need of assistance?

  2. 3. Is committed to providing affordable housing and financial security for their employee?

Who is a Housing Hero?

Sponsorship Levels

Noble Neighbors- $50,000

  • Top listing for written publications including monthly newsletter, annual report, flyers, and email footer with full color logo and link to website.

  • Large logo banner for major events.

  • Two promotions on social media monthly as well as shared posts from your page to ours.

  • Vendor table at events.

Community Crusaders- $25,000

  • Second listing on written publications including monthly newsletter, annual report, flyers, and email footer with a full color logo and hyperlink to website.

  • Medium logo on banner for major events.

  • One promotion on social media monthly.

  • Vendor table at events.

Brave Builders- $15,000

  • Listing on written publications including monthly newsletter, annual report, flyers, and email footer with black and white logo.

  • Name listing on banner for major events

  • Once a month promotion on social media.

Super Supporters- $7,500

  • Listing on written publications including monthly newsletter, annual report, flyers, and email footer with black and white logo.

  • Name listing on banner for all events.

  • Once a month promotion on social media.