Every child deserves to sleep in a warm, safe bed in a place they call home. Make The Promise and join us in the fight against housing insecurity

Your Promise can make that happen by helping families secure affordable workforce housing in South Sarasota County.

Who Are the Members of The Promise?

We are a group of action-takers who understand that our community reaps what we sow into it. People like you, who are optimistic for the future, but know that it takes dedication and hard work to get there! 

As a member of The Promise, your monthly gift goes toward making sure mothers and fathers with children have access to a roof over their heads and a cozy bed to sleep in. 

Those are the 3 basic needs for any human being. Yet, because of the housing crisis in the South Sarasota community, local families, including children, are going without one of those basic needs. 


That’s why, in 2015, Family Promise of South Sarasota County opened its doors. In the years since, we’ve helped hundreds of local families by building affordable workforce housing and offering support where they need it. 

When you join The Promise, your monthly donation gives families in our local community the opportunity to feel safe. To feel stable. And to feel hopeful for the future! 

Food, Water, Shelter…

“Sleeping the Previous Night in a Place Without Water or Electricity”

That’s part of the national definition of housing insecurity.

But because mothers will do what they need to take care of their children, including sleeping in hotels, many aren’t considered as housing insecure. So they don’t qualify for federal or state assistance. 

The Promise, and its supporters like you, are making sure these families are taken care of! So 100% of your monthly gift goes to our programs such as:

Bridge Housing Program
to help families take the next step toward securing affordable housing through financial education courses, parenting development, and counseling.

Pathways Home Program
to set families up with affordable housing units and master leasing units at a reduced rate while we continue case management and education!

Open Doors Program
is a diversion and prevention program to help families through short-term emergency shelters and provides resources to help families avoid a
housing crisis.

The Promise is All About Less Talk and More Action

Family Promise of South Sarasota County is working to tackle the housing crisis that exists in our community. We’re working, with people like you, to build more affordable workforce housing so children have a place they can call home! 

As a member of The Promise, you can give these families the support they need to keep a roof over their heads and restore hope in their hearts.

And because you’re a significant part of our Family Promise, we want to thank you with our “Welcome Home” packet. The first month as a member, we’ll send you a FPSSC koozie, coaster, and tumbler!

You can change or cancel your membership at any time.